Dear Friends and Colleagues, Welcome! Many people know that Emil Zatopek, an Olympic winner of long distance runs, has discovered an interesting way to victory: CHANGING PACE. We all
too often live at
too fast a
without pleasure and sometimes without the hope of
stepping up to
winners´ podium. But perhaps
we should sometimes slow
down. Afterwards,
we can talk and
in an informal,
friendly atmosphere which
facilitates the creation of a new synthesis. Welcome from both of us!
親愛的朋友及夥伴們, 歡迎各位蒞臨! 許多人都知道,奧運馬拉松金牌選手埃米爾·扎托佩克的致勝關鍵就是「調整步伐」。 我們常因步調快速的生活而失去了喜悅,甚至遺忘了當初想要成就的理想。 也許,我們偶爾應放慢腳步休息片刻,輕鬆愉快地為自己深呼吸一番,好好拾回那充滿理想的心靈吧! 爾後,在不拘形式的漫談交流中激盪出新思維,並且再度以那充滿熱情、活力、幹勁及智慧的步伐加速邁向勝利。 我們竭誠歡迎您的到來! Ted and Mary Horvath
webmaster: pethan@seznam.cz |